In all areas of Digital Marketing it is very important to know all the news that comes up, since what is worth for today maybe tomorrow may not be worth it. There are many other functions that the SEO Manager should have, although the fundamental and most important thing is to have a continuous training and be up-to-date.
Regarding search engine positioning, we are continuously undergoing changes in the algorithm with respect to search engines and more specifically with Google, which is the search engine with a 93% market share. One of the main skills of SEO manager/analyst is that they must always informative regarding Google’s next step.
Here is the job description of SEO manager/analyst that they need to perform:
- In-depth website audit& develop customized SEO plans for website
- Perform keywords analysis to meet the objective of the business of the client
- On-site and off-site SEO analysis among competitors and client’s website
- Coordinating with the structural and various technical modifications of the website and web pages based on the SEO strategies
- Manage the content team to produce SEO friendly content
- Assisting the development team and execution team to fulfill various SEO goals.
- Changing and adapting to the new changes with the SEO trends and other online marketing industry developments.
- Monitor the web analysis and SEO stats with the help of relevant SEO tools
- Work together with team members to fulfill the client’s goal
- Develop strategies for link building campaigns
- Monitor the tracking tool data and improve as per the need of the client’s business requirement
- Plan social media activities to improve social signal to website
- Get updated with Google Algorithms and regular updates and
- Create weekly and monthly reports for clients, analyze and plan the monthly activities
- Client coordination for all the project related activities and report updates, etc